Nationally, the two main suppliers of superfast broadband are OpenReach (who supply BT, Sky, TalkTalk etc) and Virgin Media.
However, their coverage in Eton is patchy and there’s a third provider specifically for Berkshire that you may not know about: Call Flow and they have better, but pricier, local coverage.
From the Call Flow Superfast availability map shown here, it’s clear there’s still work to do, but coverage may be better than you think!
To see what you can get, check your post code using these links
OpenReach (for BT, Sky, TalkTalk etc): https://www.openreach.com/fibre-broadband
Virgin Media: https://www.virginmedia.com/shop/broadband
The Interactive map can be found at https://westberks.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=b399db16155348beb0b95dae4424a3ef