Eton Community Association - Together making Eton even better

Greening Eton
Eton Town Council and Eton Community Association have worked together to enhance the look and feel of our Town. Our High Street has looked excellent for some time, with the pots and hanging baskets adorning the length and breadth of the street. Retailers, businesses and residents order and pay for their baskets and Eton College kindly supports the displays in the High Street pots.
However, Eton is much more than the High Street. Wonderful green areas, planters and open spaces in the Town exist in many of the areas around the Town. Having identified which areas require regular attention, a small team specified the requirements, gained support from the land owners: Eton Town Council, Baldwin’s Bridge Trust and Eton College, before issuing a tender to three potential suppliers. Face to face discussions were held following receipt of the tenders, after which a selection was confirmed. The new supplier is in place. Residents, businesses and visitors are benefitting from the enhanced look and feel of Eton’s green spaces!
For more information, contact:
Eton Town Council at or
Eton Community Association at or