RBWM are hosting Exercise Op Sentry in Windsor at Atik on Wednesday 22 February 2023, specifically designed to exercise licensed security operatives and venues in the event of a major incident or attack at their venue. Major incident simulations will take place in the venue and the security team will demonstrate key learning points from the “ACT (Action Counters Terrorism) e-learning” sessions. The aim is for security companies and venues to challenge their current plans so everyone is properly prepared in the event of a major incident. We encourage you to attend as valuable feedback will be given by the Police, Ambulance and Fire services.
Please find the link to the booking form: http://eepurl.com/ihKRHf.
We encourage management from all security companies and venues to attend within the Thames Valley area. If you have any questions, please contact adam.spicer@sia.gov.uk (event organiser).
If you have your own security personnel and or individuals responsible for responding to and evacuating your buildings then you are strongly advised to register and attend this workshop. We have had and will have a number of high profile events and activities in the town centre this year and it is important all businesses are aware of and can deliver their own plans that are tested and capable of dealing with a possible incident.