Thames Valley Police say:
It has come to our attention that Rogue Traders are potentially working in the Maidenhead area.
We have had reports of two young, English males with English accents knocking at doors and offering to clear gutters and make repairs to the roofs for a £47 charge. They are driving a grey van, with no sign writing and carrying a ladder.
If you suspect a bogus caller is at your door, even if you didn't let them in, call the police straight away. We need to know and are never too busy to attend even if it turns out to be a false alarm!
Here is some advice to follow about Rogue Traders:
Rogue Traders call at your door and offer to do work on your home or garden that will be either unnecessary or vastly over-priced. They have no formal training to carry out work. Some have links with distraction burglars.
Don't ever go to a bank or cash point with a trader; legitimate traders would never expect you to do this.
Don't allow anyone to pressure you into agreeing to have work carried out. If you ask them to leave and they don't, call the police dial 999.
Do discuss any work you feel needs carrying out on your property with a relative or friend who can help you find a reputable trader.
Don't agree to any work or sign anything on the spot.
A genuine caller will happily wait outside while you check on them by calling their organisation and or calling a family member or neighbour.
If you are not sure? Don't open the door!