We all enjoy the big ECA events, including the Christmas Lights Switch on and our summer events, such as the fete in 2015 and this year’s Street Party, in celebration of Her Majesty the Queen’s 90th birthday. We decided that we should organise other events based on your feedback. As a result we have met up with so many different people at the recent events, from the College Tour on 1 September (thank you Paul) to the Ceramics Exhibition (thank you Katie and Charlotte), to the Maharajah evening (thank you Noorzaman and The George) to the Police information evening (thank you Sgt Emma, Joe and colleagues). Please join any of the events and meet others who live and work here!
Our activities to enhance our environment continue, from spotting and solving issues, with Eton Town Council and RBWM as great partners, to looking for new and better ways to do things in Eton. We are pleased that we have found a sustainable solution to keeping the greenery in our Town looking good. The High Street has looked great for some time, thanks to residents, retailers and Eton College buying hanging baskets from WindowFlowers. Now, a single contract is in place for tending the remainder of our public spaces.
Paul Bayley became Deputy Chair of the ECA in April this year and is taking lead on social events and wants to know from you what type of events you would like see arranged for the community. He puts forward some suggestions here and would love to receive your input on these and any suggestions you may have for others.
The ECA has been going for a few years now and has a lot to offer the Eton community and it has arranged events, talks and visits over this time. We are very lucky that in the town we have some great venues where we can hold events, and the College is right in the heart of the town and we have been able to make use of the facilities and events that take place there.
Is it time we as an association offered the community more and perhaps made better use of the Baldwin’s Institute as a venue?
Are there people in the community who have special skills or particular interests that they would be willing to share and pass on to others, perhaps a few talks or classes?
Should we hold film nights in the Baldwin’s institute?
Should we advertise in Eton Matters all the events that take place in Eton that people can attend?
What about a traders’ night when the traders open up their stores to the locals and not only show off their wares but also give a few demonstrations?
Perhaps a beer and wine tasting evening, using the local brewery and our wine merchants?
I think it is important we now expand the ECA, if you have any ideas or special interests or skills I would be delighted to hear from you. Along with any views you have on my comments. You can contact me, Paul Bayley, by email: p.bayley@etoncollege.org.uk