Eton Community Association - Together making Eton even better
La Stacey
Vicar St John's Church Eton
Have you ever been in the church above the doctor’s surgery on the High Street? So many people I talk to don’t know it is there, or think that it is never open. Well it is there and it is open. We are delighted to have started a service for families with children of any age, or for those who like a more tactile way of discovering the Bible stories! “Messy Church” is happening at the end of each month (though not in August) so do come and join us. Or join us for quiet meditation or Holy Communion at the times listed.
On top of that though, we want to open the church as much as possible during the summer, both for the people of Eton and those passing through. Would you be available to help us do this? If you think you could help man the church for a couple of hours at any time, would you let me know? Tel 01753 852268 or email
And watch out too for the Auction of Promises which will be happening in September. Keeping this beautiful space available for the community isn’t cheap and we will welcome your participation, but more than that we want to get to know you more.
Have a joyful and restful summer.
Paul Bayley
Vice Chairman, Windsor & Eton Rotary Club
The Rotary Club of Windsor and Eton (WERC) was founded nearly 80 years ago and has met ever since at the Castle Hotel Windsor on Monday lunchtimes. Currently there are 35 members of ages ranging from 40 to 80.
The Rotary’s motto is ‘Service Above Self’, and it’s primary function is to provide Charitable Service to local good causes. In addition usually the Rotary leads when there are International Disasters. The Rotary is trusted by the public who know that every penny given will get where it is supposed to go. Internationally Rotary is most famous for funding the almost total eradication of Polio from the world together with Bill & Malinda Gates.
Rotary meetings aren’t all about how money can be raised. Meetings are based on an inexpensive lunch followed by a speaker on any topic that takes a member’s fancy. Recently a member gave a talk on a Victorian antecedent, whilst at a subsequent meeting our proposed extension and refurbishment of the Spencer Denney Workshop for Help the Aged was discussed where not only are we going to fund the works but various members will apply hands on skills to help with the budget.
The Club has a vibrant social side, which is further enhanced by the successful achievement of common goals. The key word for anybody contemplating joining is fun. In Windsor we are privileged to be able to use places like the Castle and Alexandra Gardens for our annual Summer Fayre and famous Duck Race. We have trusted links with schools promoting events like Youth Speaks and an annual Careers Fair.
It’s an exciting time to be a member of this Club as clearly we are going to be very busy, so we could always do with some help from interested persons who think like us that they have something to give back to the Community we live in.
See more details on our Web Site or contact me
Ron Lewandowski
Eton Town Council
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Derek Bishop
Mayor Eton town Council
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Karen Usher
Librarian Eton Library
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Carol Lewin
Community Warden
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